Happy New Years Everyone!
For most people, January 1 means the start of a new year. But for skeleton athletes, January 1 also symbolizes the start of the second half of the season; which, for me, kicks off right away! I'll return to Lake Placid, NY tomorrow or Monday to resume training for the upcoming America's Cup races which are less than two weeks away. My most anticipated races of the season are just around the corner and the anxiety, pressure and excitement are beginning to set in.
I will admit, I woke up this morning feeling not quite like my usual self. I felt defeated and insecure over a variety of issues beyond skeleton (and my potentially longest bout away from home.) And unfortunately, I could not hide it well. My New Year's funk was apparent to Paul DeSimone, owner of Gym Warriors in Peabody, MA during my workout that day. He recognized that my mind was distracted and he let me know that this was not acceptable! He reminded me of the opportunities I have with skeleton and how important every day is to my overall goals. No day is to be wasted! I definitely needed this kick in the butt! "Always be better than your best," he said, "Always be better than your best."
The first of the year is meant for evaluating the previous year and its resolutions and setting new ones for the year in progress. I am very pleased with my commitment to last year's resolutions and am eager to get started on my new ones. One of my New Year's Resolution that I hope to fulfill this year pertains to you and keeping you informed! I am aiming to write a blog at least once a week and update my website at least twice a week. I know so many of you have asked for updates, photos and videos, etc. and I am really endeavoring to give this to you! Please hold me accountable if I start to slip on my goals or if you have input on how I can make things better! I only have one perspective here and constantly need feedback...like that from Pauly D in the gym!
Thanks everyone for staying tuned it! Best wishes on your New Year's Resolutions! Check out the website
http://www.headphirst.com/ and email me with your input
-Corinne D.